Our Company

We are fast Growing Software Company

Benevolent Software Technologies Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 23 February 2017. It is classified as Non-Govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Patna having Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U74999BR2017PTC033798. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 500,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 500,000 Company is involved in Software Services, Networking Services, Financial Services, Software and Hardware Consultancy, BULK SMS, IVR, Web Designing and Hosting. Company is providing Services all over India. As a startup Company, We have been selected by Bihar Industries Association for Incubation Support

About Us

Benevolent Software Technologies Private Limited is a Private company incorporated on 23 February 2017. It is classified as a Non-Govt company and is registered at the Registrar of Companies, Patna, with Corporate Identification Number (CIN) U74999BR2017PTC033798. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 500,000, and its paid-up capital is Rs. 500,000.

The company is involved in Software Services, Networking Services, Financial Services, Software and Hardware Consultancy, BULK SMS, IVR, Web Designing, and Hosting. It provides services all over India. As a startup, the company has been selected by Bihar Industries Association for Incubation Support.